Since I started blogging I have come up with some words that I do not think others have coined. So, I decided to list these words and their meanings. If someone else has used these words before I made them up, then forgive me, I did not intentionally claim someone else's words as my own!
I will add to this dictionary as I think of new words to use. I first started this at my previous blog, but have decided to move it here instead!
Usage of my wictionary is encouraged, but please, always link a word back to this page, or, for a shortened link use
- a contraction of two words--blog post--which simply means an article that was publish on a blog.
- See 7 Books I would Definitely Read (18 April 2015)
- a person that will build up the arguments of his ideas from any and all differing, or even opposing, philosophies of life in order to manipulate others to believe and do as he wants;
- a person that will make a philosophical concoction from differing, or even opposing, philosophies of life in order to sustain the way he wants others to live;
- See Fighting fire with fire? (June 7, 2007)
- Used when you are not sure whether you should speak about the "emerging" church or "emergent" church. Those who are part of this movement like to play word tricks concerning this. In other words, symantics.
- See Emerging bloopers. (Jan 12, 2009)
- See preachetainment
- See Entertaining the church to death.
- A person claiming to be an evangelical Christian, (1) yet is not that concerned with the truth of the gospel, (2) is more concerned with all kinds of spiritual experiences, (3) is infuenced by culture instead of being an influencer of culture, (4) with no spiritual backbone.
- See Jesus bore witness to the truth! (Dec 11, 2008)
- A diatribe specifically geared towards supporting gays and 'gay-marriage' while no real proof is being provided. It is essentially propaganda for gays.
- See Lisa Miller's 'gay-marriage' diatribe in Newsweek refuted. (Dec 12, 2008)
- A person, who like the president of the U.S.A., Barack Hussein Obama, bows before everyone else, while those he bows to are the ones in the wrong.
- A person, like the president of the U.S.A., Barack Hussein Obama, who grovels before everyone else with no conviction.
- See Obama bows before tyranny and evil, unlike Reagan.
- to make immoral;
- making void of any morals;
- See GE2009 (Jan 8, 2007).
- The idea by people who support abortion that these tiny unborn infants are a tyrannous force that must be destroyed.
- Wanting to amputate one's own, healthy limbs. Such people suffer from the so-called BIID (Body Integrity Identity Disorder).
- See Nut jobs limb-ping! (Nov 14, 2008)
- Discernment that has been mis-discerned, especially perpetrated by many "discernment" ministries.
- When a person is being "discerned" to be of a certain type based on the flimsiest of evidence, ignoring a body of past work, books, sermons, etc.
- See John Piper and the Rick Warren invitation.
- Those who agree with Barack Hussein Obama, no matter how ridiculous.
- Those who perceive Barack Obama as the saviour of America, or even the world. i.e. messiah.
- Those who hurl insults at anyone who disagrees with Barack Obama, no matter how factual the disagreements are, since according to obamaniacs, the facts just confuse the issue.
- See The Truth about Obama. (Oct 30, 2008)
- Satire (stories/cartoons,etc) aimed at Barack Hussein Obama, half-white/half-black, Democratic Party nomination for U.S. president in 2008.
- See Satire aimed at Obama. (Sep 4, 2008)
- To be as crazy and insane as those who belong to or hold to the
aberrationsideals of PETA. - To believe that cockroaches, flies, (insects) and animals have the same value as humans.
- See Bunch of pe(t)anuts!
- a charismatic preacher;
- a preacher very good at quoting verses, but does not really know what these verses mean in their context;
- a preacher with no solid theological foundation;
- a preacher who does not see the importance of theology and/or proper hermeneutics;
- a preacher that would rather preach "off the cuff" than do the proper hard work of sermon preparation and notes;
- See A slip of the tongue! (Jan 23, 2007).
- entertainment, amusement, diversion as a result of the performance of a preacher;
- the pleasure afforded by being entertained by a preacher;
- See Mushy church (Feb 2, 2006).
- Someone who takes what is perfectly good and what has its own worth and changes it to suit the situation in order to make it more 'relevant.'
- Especially when someone preaches with foul language and with all kinds of 'weirdness' to 'contextualize' the gospel of Jesus Christ.
- See Profaning the gospel for the sake of 'contextualization'.
- All kinds of Christmas paraphernalia that have nothing to do with the Christian concept of Christmas.
- Paraphernalia such as Santa figurines, Christmas lights, baubles, etc.
- See The preeminence of Santa. (Dec 19, 2008)
- marriage between two people of the same sex/gender. A lifestyle and institution clearly abhorred by God.
- from "sodomy' (homosex) and marriage.
- See Is our culture in decline? (Aug 5, 2008)
- Essentially, discernment of teachings about God and His work with humans.
- Theological discernment on the essentials of the gospel.
- See Global Leadership Summit and the lack of theological discernment in the church.
- Homosexual lifestyle promoted by the United Nations.
- Homosexual minority groups have infiltrated the U.N. and are using the U.N. to put pressure on nations to accept the homosexual lifestyle.
- See Uganda will not bow to U.N.osexual pressure! - (April 08, 2009)
- The uniquetist (pronounced as unique-a-tist) is the person who wants to always be different.
- This person wants to be unique and will almost do anything not to be like anybody else.
- See 9Marks eJournal: Revitalizing the church.
- a dictionary of words coined by William Dicks and first used as described here.
- entertainment, amusement, diversion as a result of "worship" driven by certain styles of music, rhythms and not Biblical substance;
- the pleasure afforded by being entertained, rather than being humbled and left in awe of God, by singing in church;
- rating "worship" as an experience as greater than focusing on God;
- See Worship at a price (Aug 15, 2005).
- the changing of a person into someone who no longer lives as one with a soul;
- an event, or series of events, that lead to a person becoming heartless in thought or action;
- personal "evolution" into becoming a person completely devoid of morals or ethics;
- becoming someone who could immoral, evil acts without experiencing any shame or guilt;
- if the hoax of Darwinism was true, this would be seen as "devolution" back into a soulless animal state;
- See The slippery slope of the 'Pro-Choice' mantra. (May 17, 2007)