Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Greatest Killer the world has ever seen!

Dr. Peter Hammond put together a series of slides on the greatest killer the world has ever seen. That is humanism, “the most destructive religion of all time. Far more people have been killed in the name of Atheism than by all other religions combined.” He also writes:

“At least 180 million people were killed by secular governments in the 20th Century. And that is a very conservative estimate.”

To read the slides and/or to download the PDF of the slides, watch the slides below.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They have plans to make a really nice one at Southside Park, which is good spot for this. Sometimes even in city and authorities buildings the elevator certificate is old-fashioned. I’m unsure it’s best for a square, can be nice 카지노 to see city middle increase. It can be nice to see a square/park comes somewhere else although. Hope they can complete the dig quickly so growth can transfer forward.

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